Style: Others/Autres
Tip size/Taille de la point: 0.7mm
Refillable/Rechargeable: Yes
Refill code/Code de recharge: Z2-1 or Z2-1N (Eraser/Gomme)
Metallic mesh grip on a slim, beveled barrel promotes control when writing. Ideal for use with rulers and templates. Pre-loaded with Pentel Super Hi-Polymer HB lead; never needs sharpening, is super strong and produces a clear dark line.
Corps effilé et biseauté, pourvu d’une zone de préhension parée de maille métallique pour une bonne tenue en main. Idéale lorsque l’on souhaite utiliser une règle ou des gabarits. Contient une mine HB Pentel Super Hi-Polymer. Celle-ci n’a pas besoin d’être aiguisée, est ultra solide et produit des traits foncés précis.
Products bearing ACMI’s AP(Approved Product) Seal are certified in a program of toxicological evaluation by a medical expert to contain no materials in sufficient quantities to be toxic or injurious to humans or to cause acute or chronic health problems. This program is reviewed by ACMI’s Toxicological Advisory Board. These products are certified by ACMI to be labeled in accordance with the Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA) and the chronic hazard labeling standard ASTM D-4236.