Style: Others/Autres
Tip size/Taille de la point: 0.7mm
Refillable/Rechargeable: Yes
Refill code/Code de recharge: Z2-1 or Z2-1N (Eraser/Gomme)
Suitable not only for draughting and professional use, but also for general writing. Stylish and functional designed body. Features 4mm retractable sleeve, dual grip (metal and rubber), metal clip and adjustable lead grade indicator. Available in 0.3mm (PG1013) / 0.5mm (PG1015) / 0.7mm (PG1017) / 0.9mm (PG1019) point sizes.
Porte-mines conçu pour le dessin technique, convient aussi pour l’écriture au quotidien. Corps très stylisé et très pratique : canon long de 4mm entièrement rétractable, grip mi caoutchouc mi métal, agrafe métal, indicateur de gradation de mines. Disponible en pointe 0,3mm (PG1013) / 0,5mm (PG1015) / 0,7mm (PG1017) / 0,9mm(PG1019).
Products bearing ACMI’s AP(Approved Product) Seal are certified in a program of toxicological evaluation by a medical expert to contain no materials in sufficient quantities to be toxic or injurious to humans or to cause acute or chronic health problems. This program is reviewed by ACMI’s Toxicological Advisory Board. These products are certified by ACMI to be labeled in accordance with the Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA) and the chronic hazard labeling standard ASTM D-4236.
User Reviews
4 Reviews
Perfect Pencil
Works likes a charm. Reliable and comfortable.
Best pencil yet.
The retractable head makes it easy to store and the weight and feel of the pencil make it one of the best to use. As a teacher I use it a lot. A student left one behind so I was able to use it while I waited to return it. So impressed, bought one for myself.
GraphGear 1000 Broke
Unfortunately, I dropped it off a desk onto a hardwood floor and it broke in half. Nice pencil otherwise. Wish they sold parts.