Pentel Canada Brand Ambassadors

Orlando Busso
Orlando Busso est un illustrateur résidant à Montréal au Québec. Ancien tatoueur, il a toujours aimé dessiner. Mais ce n'est qu'après plusieurs années à travailler comme accessoiriste pour la télévision française ou armurier dans l’industrie du cinéma qu'il décide de se reconvertir dans l'illustration. Grand lecteur de bande-dessinées, il aime inventer des personnages et leur donner vie. Son favori est La Mouette, qu'il s’amuse à dépeindre dans des strips humouristiques inspirés du quotidien. Ses médiums préférés? Des carnets, de l'encre noire et de l’aquarelle!
Orlando Busso is an illustrator based in Montreal, Quebec. As a former tattoo artist, he has always enjoyed drawing. But after several years working as a Prop Master for the French television and as a gunsmith in the film industry, he decided to switch to illustration. As an avid reader of comic strips, he loves inventing characters and bringing them to life. His favorite one is The Seagull, whom he enjoys depicting in funny strips inspired by everyday life. His mediums? Sketchbooks, black ink and watercolor!
Orlando Busso is an illustrator based in Montreal, Quebec. As a former tattoo artist, he has always enjoyed drawing. But after several years working as a Prop Master for the French television and as a gunsmith in the film industry, he decided to switch to illustration. As an avid reader of comic strips, he loves inventing characters and bringing them to life. His favorite one is The Seagull, whom he enjoys depicting in funny strips inspired by everyday life. His mediums? Sketchbooks, black ink and watercolor!
Pentel & Me
À la recherche d’un pinceau à réservoir d’eau solide, j’ai découvert l’Aquash Water Brushing de Pentel, efficace et facile d’utilisation en vadrouille. C’est un must-have!
In my search for a brush with a solid water reservoir, I discovered Pentel’s Aquash Water Brushing, effective and easy to use on the go. It’s a must-have!